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              Brief Biography

Address: School of Medicine, Taylor's University, No. 19- 21 Jalan Dataran Villa Putra 1, Dataran Villa Putra, Sungai Buloh-47000, Selangor Darul Ehsan,,Malaysia.

E-mail: ;

Phone: +60356296633

Professional info

2010 - present

2010 - present


Career aspiration

Dedicated, an enthusiastic and outstanding academician with  41 years of teaching experience, a track record of 28 national / international researches and ≈ 300 scientific papers with ‘excellence’ awards by VC in teaching and scientific presentations seeking to further as a versatile Professor. A well disciplined detail-oriented professional, possessing strong motivational drive to succeed, with an organizational  and leadership skills effecting to secure a higher position at a top tier Taylor’s University “to use my skills in the best possible way for achieving the  highest standards of pedagogy and University’s goals ”, where I can bring immediate and strategic value and develop student’s current skill set further.

My motto: Strive for quality in everything I do



  1. Total experience after graduation…………………………………............ 44 years

  2. Experience as Radiologist…………………………………………................. 39 years

  3. Total teaching experience in universities and colleges..………...... 41 years

  4. Total awards………………………………………………….……........................ 20

  5. Academic achievement / Professional recognition ……………....... 79 fields

  6. Total Researches…(National and global)………………………...............29

  7. Total scientific papers (presentation and publication)……….......≈300

  8. Total invited speeches and keynote addresses………………….........100

  9. Public education and hand out materials………………………….........40

  10. Through public media………………………………………………..................50

  11. Online contribution…………………………………………………...................53

  12. Students trained…………………………………………………......................≈ 6000

  13. Supervision of projects…………………………………………....................≈ 200

  14. Thesis supervised…………………………………………………......................28

  15. Thesis examiner……………………………………………………......................37

  16. Assessor/evaluator of research proposals………………………...........76

  17. Invited Journal review / editing……………………………………...............36

  18. Internal and external university examiner…………….………….........≈50

  19. Editor/reviewer/scholar/advisor/consultancy fields……………........7

  20. Membership/Fellowship in organisations………………………............14

  21. Chairman/ facilitator/ contributor/Panelist………………………..........23


RG Score:7.64

Citation indices








    Scholar.Google  and ResearchGate as on 13. 04 .2017          


Name:                                 Dr Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem
Date of birth:                     17 July 1950
Sex:                                      Male
Marital Status:                   Married. Father of three children
Status:                                 Permanent Resident of Malaysia
Current Employer:            Taylor's University
Current Position:              Associate Professor
Qualifications:                   M.B.B.S., D.M.R.D., F.C.I.P., F.A.G.E.
Field of specialization:     Diagnostic Radiology 

Address: Senior Consultant,

                Department of Radiology and Imaging,
School of Medicine,

                Taylor's University,

                No. 19- 21 Jalan Dataran Villa Putra 1,

                Dataran Villa Putra,

                Sungai Buloh-47000,

                Selangor Darul Ehsan,


Tel: Office: 006-0356296633

H/P: 006-01111411900



E-mail: ;

Research Studies:         ResearcherID: E-6678-2012
Total 28 studies (Details given below)  in oncology, Radiology, Ortho,  diseases, cardiology and Forensic science

1 FRGS + 6 Phase III Trial + 6 short term + 2 incentive grants+ 1 long term grant, RU grants 2;  4 short term)

 (including non-grant studies)

STUDENTS GRADUATED: Totally >6250. In Malaysia > 3000 students (includes MD, M.Med, Dental & nursing), inclusive of 150 M. Med (Rad) students in USM. I was mentor for 24 master students and 20 Undergraduates.



  1. Dr. Gajaraj & Dr. Aswathaman Award: IR&IA XXXVIII –1985

  2. Mongraph on Islam and Science: Hong Kong. Awarded in 1994.

  3. Best paper award: Indokuwait Global competition-1995(II place)

  4. Best Essay award: Ministry of Human Resource and Directorate of Adult Education.1995. National level (III place)

  5. International Understanding cum Vocational Service Award on Indian Pivotal Role in International arena-Rotary Club, KB -2000.

  6. Best of scientific papers award: 2003 CPC presentation

  7. Dean’s certificate of  Appreciation on Dec 2003

  8. Service award,USM-2003 Sijil Penghargaan Perkhidmatan

  9. Best of scientific papers: 2005 CPC presentation

  10. Departmental certificate of appreciation 2005

  11. Best scientific paper award, National level NCMS, 2006

  12. Best Clinico Pathological Conference Presentation- 2006/2007

  13. Best scientific paper award, National level- 16th NCMHS-2011

  14. Best service award: Sijil Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2011 by Vice-chancellor, USM.

15.  Global Essay competition Award Two times: Saudi Arabia

16.  Invited Expert to Thai Government: “Asian recommendations for

       osteoporosis” on 7th July, 2012

17.  VC Award for community service: Sijil Penghargaan Libatsama

       Komuniti BJIM-2012 by Deputy vice chancellor, USM

18.  Certificate of Appreciation by Gamedix Sdn Bhd-2012-‘15 (Manytimes)

19. Appreciation certificate on research

4.2    Professional ACHIEVMENT / RECOGNITION

  1. Secretary, - 1985, IRAI, India

  2. Member- IRAI, India

  3. FCIP fellowship- 1980

  4. FAGE fellowship-1980

  5. Member, European society of Radiology

  6. Scientific chairman 1999, Intensive course in Radiology,  PPSP,USM

  7. Member, Organising committee, 1999, Intensive course in Abdominal Radiology, PPSP,USM

  8. Scientific chairman, 2000, Kursus Asas MRI, PPSP,USM

  9. Scientific chairman, 2000, Bengkel Angiografi dan Intervensi Vaskular, PPSP, USM

  10. Chairman, 2000, CPC, Acute abdomen, PPSP,USM

  11. Fecilitator, 2002, Good Clinical Practice workshop/conference

  12. Chairman,2003,CPC, Basics in Mammography, PPSP-USM

  13. Facilitator, 2003; Training course on x-ray for General Practitioners. Organiser: MINT in colloboration with MOH, Malysia

  14. Kursus Intensif Bioetica and Ketrampilan Komunikasi, 2003;

  15. Ahli Panel Sessi

  16. Kursus Intensif Bioetica and Ketrampilan Komunikasi, 2004;

  17. Ahli Panel Sessi

  18. Facilitator, 2004; Training course on x-ray for General

  19. practitioners organised in colloboration with MOH, Malysia

  20. Facilitator, 2005; Training course on x-ray for General

  21. practitioners organised in colloboration with MOH, Malysia

  22. Kursus Intensif Bioetica & Ketrampilan Komunikasi, 2005; Ahli Panel 

  23. Letter of Appreciation 23rd 06 from Dean-Research, USM,

  24. Dean’s certificate of  Appreciation

  25. Facilitator, 2008; Training course on x-ray for General practitioners

  26. organised in colloboration with MOH, Malysia

  27. Kursus Intensif Bioetica and Ketrampilan Komunikasi, 2008; Ahli Panel

  28. Facilitator, 2010; Training course on Good quality x-ray for General

  29. practitioners organised in colloboration with MOH, Malysia

  30. Kursus Intensif Bioetica and Ketrampilan Komunikasi, 2010; Ahli Panel

  31. Fecilitator, 2011, Good Clinical Practice Course

  32. Fecilitator, 2012, Good Clinical Practice workshop/conference

  33. Expert Committee member TOPF, Thailand

  34.  Secretary of University Scientific Museum committee- for 3 years

  35. Member in Clinical Trial (Research) Unit of USM for 3 years

  36. Bio-ethics and communication- PANEL member  for 8 years

  37. Programme contributor For “ Good Clinical Practice ” course

  38. Facilitator  For “ Good Clinical Practice ” workshop for 7 years

  39. Coordinator of Professional Examination .MMed (Rad) for 8 years

  40.  Evaluator of Abourt 65 dissertation proposals

  41.   Evaluator of >75 research proposals

  42.   Judge In National Conferences for scientific presentations

  43.   hair person in Intensive courses

  44.   Accreditation of Dental Degree Program DDS in Sep13-16, 2003

  45.   Facilitator – University Curriculum review panel- Phase III

  46.   University KPI coordinator for two years

  47.   Islamic Medicine Research committee emeber for five years

  48.   Member, Scientific signs of the quran and sunnah research committee

  49.   REVIEWER: Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal;

  50.   REVIEWER: Internet Journal Of Medical Update

  51.   SCHOLARLY REVIEWER: WebmedCentral

  52.   Editor: WebmedCentral plus Radiology Editorial Board

  53.   Invited speaker on > 84 occassions 

  54.   Thesis supervision: 28 thesis

  55.   Thesis Examiner: 37 thesis

  56.   Member in three research committees

  57.   Registered in panel-International Medical university

  58.   Global Medical Unit consultant panel-Australian Government

  59.   International Research Consultancy for phase III drug trials in Researches

  60.   Editor- Research Buletin-USM for (seven) 7 years

  61.   HOD certificate of appreciation 2005

  62.   Research dean’s appreciation letter

  63.   WebmedCentral as a Lead Faculty in Radiology

  64.   Advisor in Radiology . WebmedCentral's

  65.   External/Internal Examiner for MD & M. Med medical courses

  66.   Reviewer: SciencePG-Review

  67.   Associate editor, Archives of Medical and Biomedical Research 

  68.   Coordinator Phase II integrated block, Taylor’s  University, Malaysia

  69.   International Association of Risk and Compliance Professionals           

  70.   Membership in TeachersFirst

  71.   Member/volunteer in world environmental organization

  72.   Membership to the global organization for stress

  73.   MirandaNet Fellowship

  74.   Member in International Society for development and sustainability

  75.   Radslice (consultancy)

  76.   Member in Radiolopolis - Radiology for medical Profession education,

  77.   Advisory Member, Healthcare Advisory Board, 2012….    

  78.   Chairman CME Plennary session on stroke 2016e

  79.   Facilitator-48th scientific meeting on Imaging.Nuclear agensi/MOSTI

  80.   MEdNet panel member (Networking of all universities in Malaysia)

  81.   Trainer of a training course by Malaysian Nuclear Agency 6-11 Feb’17

  82.   Coordinator Phase II integrated block, Taylor’s  University, Malaysia

  83.   Senate member, Taylor’s University, Subang Jaya, Malaysia

For a complete list of all working experience, academic recognition and positions that I have held in committees and conferences alike, please download my complete CV in PDF format by clicking on the PDF button at the top-right corner

Total Courses, Trainings, and Seminars organized /attended / benefitted /contributed: 195
A few examples:

1. WHOLE BODY C.T.SCAN: Tsukuba memorial hospital at Japan, special training in the Interpretation Of whole body C.T. scan 1985

2. ULTRASOUND AND D.S.A: Special techniques learnt at Tsukuba university Japan in 1985 in General Ultrasonography, Mammography & sonologic       mammography.

3. ENDOSCOPY & ULTRASONOGRAPHY: Under the auspices of Tamilnadu and Pondichery chapter of ASI conducted in 1986

4. MPHS:  This multipurpose health scheme training during 3.10.79-- 9.11.79, consisted of mass survey, MMR and early detection of disease

5.PROBLEM BASED LEARNING SKILL DEVELOPMENT: conducted by the department of education, school of medical sciences, USM on 13-14 Feb 1999.

6. CFCS AND CONTRACT LEARNING: Conducted in USM at Kotabharu on 24-25 May 1999

7. GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICE: Jointly organised by USM and Pharmacia & Upjohn on 22 June 1999

8. ANGIOGRAPHY AND VASCULAR INTERVENTION: conducted on 09-10 September 2000 at USM; participated and also chaired the following three sessions:
   a. Carotico-cavernous fistula
   b. PICC line
   c. Question and answer on 6 scientific papers

9. FERTILITY CONTROL: Advanced course and special attention was given to IUCD and its complications and abortion and its complications in 1981

10. NICER COURSE: at Calcutta on October 25-28, 1995 on GIT & GUT chest and cardiac radiology

11. INTENSIVE COURSE IN ABDOMINAL RADIOLOGY: in collaboration with University of Sydney, Australia, from 19-23 Sep ’99. Privileged to be the scientific chairman for the entire course

12. STAR: Advances in radiology at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 29-31 October 1999

13. INTENSIVE COURSE IN MRI: Scientific chairman for the proceedings. Held at USM on 04 April 2000.

14. INTENSIVE COURSE IN PRIMARY CARE: in collaboration with University of Sydney, Australia, from 09-13 April 2000 at USM. Participated and presented a paper also.

15. ANNUAL GENERAL/ SCIENTIFIC MMRS on “ Oncology Radiology ” held at Hilton at Kuala Lumpur on 03-04 June 2000.

16. SECOND ADVANCED NEURORADIOLOGY COURSE at National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore. Held on 01-02 August 2000

17. COMPREHENSIVE COURSE ON MUSCULOSKELETAL TUMORS Held at USM at Kota Bharu from 04-06 August 2000. Participated and presented a paper also.

 RESEARCH: Total 28 Studies               ResearcherID: E-6678-2012
  1.  “Morphanalysis of Nasal zone traits using face photographs and 3-D CT scan images of patients/subjects attending Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia to provide a basis for skull / facial identification.” (FRGS)-Final report submitted in 2012: PI​​

  2. A Phase III trial to assist the safety, immunogenecity and preliminary efficacy of recombinant human EGF-rP64K/ Montanide ISA51 vaccine administered to patients with NSC lung carcinioma after receiving conventional first line chemoptherapy (BIOVEN) - A Multicenter international study. Currently our center is discontinued: CR. Sep 2007 – Sep 2010.

  3.  A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo controlled, Multicenter, Phase 3 study of Denosumab as Adjuant Treatment for Women with Early Stage Breast Cancer at High Risk of Recurrence (D-CARE) -A multi-center study, Dr. VMK Bhavaraju (PI), Prof Dr Abdul Kareem (Radiologist,  Dr. Shahrizal bin Mustaffa (Sub-I), Dr Maya Mazuwin Yahya  (Sub-I), 2010 -2015

  4. A Randomized, multicenter, open-label, phase 3 study to compare the efficacy ofpanitumuma b andcetuxima b in subjects with previously treated, wild-type KRAS, metastatic colorectal cancer (Clinical Trial) - A Multicenter international study: CR

  5. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo controlled Study To Evaluate The Long-term Safety And Efficacy Of Darbepoetin Alfa Administered at 500 ug Once Every 3 weeks in Anemic Subjects With Advanced Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Receiving Multicycle. Dr. Murali Krishna, DR. Meera MOhaideen Abdul Kareem; Jun 2012 –Jun 

  6. A phase-II study of GDC-0068 in combination with fluoropyrimidine plusoxaliplatin versus fluoropyrimidine plus oxaliplatin in patients with locally advanced or metastatic gastric or Gastro EsophageaA m l Junction adenocarcinoma. --ulti-center study, Dr. Murali Krishna Bhavaraju, Dr. Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem, Dec 2012 – Dec

  7. VEG102616 GW786034 Using a Randomized Discontinuation Design in Subjects with Locally Recurrent or Metastatic Clear-Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma - A Phase II Multicenter international Trial study:CR (2005-09)


8.    Estimation of stature from the dimension of Non-weight bearing feet of adult malay population attending HUSM: (USM  short term Grant: RM 39,930/ PM. DR. Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem, DR. Nor Azam Mahmud, Mr. Nataraja Moorthy. Dr. Huzaimah et al ;Duration: 24 months   1/11/2010-30/10/2012 ; PI.

9.    The accuracy of Trabecular Pattern in identification and anthropometry measurement in differentiating sex and age using knee radiographs: USM  short term Grant: RM 4930/ PM. DR. Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem, DR. Ahmad Helmy, DR. Basir Iliya Mashi. et al ;Duration: Dec 2011 – May 2013USM (JANGKA PENDEK) , 1/12/2011-30/11/2012; PI.

10.    Estimation of height of adult Malays in Kelantan using calcaneus bone measurement on plain radiograph. (Incentive Grant-USM) Mar 2012 – Mar 2014; Main supervisor

11.    Association Between Symptomatic Cardiac Patients With Inconclusive Diagnostic Exercise Treadmill Test and Calcium Score. (Incentive Grant-USM) Jan  2010 – Aug  2012: Main supervisor

12.   A study on the epigenetic traits of the skull in Malaysian population recorded in digitally acquired CR for individual identification in forensics; 2011-13:

13. A study on the validity and accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the prediction of Neurovascular bundle involvement in Musculoskeletal tumors of the extremities. (USM Short term Grant: Hort term Grant: RM-9560/ Dr. Abdul Kareem et al, Mar 2001-‘03

14. A study on Respiratory Health Hazards And Its Management Among Rice Mills And Saw Mills Workers (IRPA- Long term Grant: RM 1,80,000/ Dr. Lin Naing, Dr. HJ. M. Abdul Kareem et al, Duration: 2001-’04. Project head for (Radiological) manifestations on CXR in Ricemill and saw mill workers

15.  The determination of Local Malay Female Bone Mimeral Density and Its Correlation With Geometric Properties In the Evaluation Of Skeletal Status. (USM Short term grant) CRàPI

16. Dentofacial features of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome Among Army Personnel Based in Kelantan (USM ST) CR

17. A Morphometric Evaluation of Nasal Septum in Patients with Rhinosinusitis and Association with Its Severity (USM Jangka Pendek (15/9/2014-14/9/2016. RM 20,492.00)- Coresearcher.

18. Practical relevance of prescribing superimposition for determining a frontal sinus pattern

match;N. Hashim, N. Hemalatha, K. Thangaraj, Abdul. Kareem, A. Ahmed, N.F. Hassan,  

P.T.Jayaprakash.(USM research: RU 1001/PPSK/813011 and 304/PPSK/61312009 that

supported this study)

19. Ultrasonographic assessment of inferior vena cava/abdominal aorta diameter index: a

      new approach of assessing hypovolemic shock class 1; Nik Hisamuddin NA Rahman,

      Rashidi Ahmad, Co researcher: Dr. Meera Mohaideen Kareem and Mohammad Iqhbal

      Mohammed  (financial support from a Research University (RUI) grant

      (1001/PPSP/812099) for the pilot project of the electronic road traffic injury surveillance

      (eRTIs) development in the Universiti Sains Malaysia)


Studies without financial grant:

18. A study on estimating Perineoplastic Muscle Edema Associated with Musculoskeletal Neoplasm of The Extremeities By Magnetic Resonance Imaging

19. Lumbar facet joint angle among Malaysians: Its predictive value in Prolapsed IV disc and determinin feasibility of lumbar microendoscopic discectomy without violation of facet joint. Main Supervisor: Prof madya Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, Dr. Azzahra Bt Nurul Azman;Radiology, USM , 2011-13.

20. Assessment of Renal Parenchymal Thickness in Malaysians attending Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia-Astudy of 75 cases

21. Can Assessment of The Size of Arch of Azygos Vein in Adults Replace Interventional technique of Intravascular Fluid Volume Estimation?

22. A study of measurment of width of vascular pedicle and correlation with cardiothoracic ratio

23. Unfamiliarity and Clinical Underutility of an Important Roentgenographic sign: A study of Azygos Vein 120 cases

24. Prevalence of plain CT scan negative and perfusion CT positive for infarction in cases of Acute stroke

25. Congenital Variants in Renal Parenchyma in Malaysians- Astudy of 70 cases at HUSM- Nongrant and Non incentive study: Dr. Hj. Abdul Kareem; 2002

26. Study on Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in children with Adenotonsillar Pathology in HUSM – A Pilot Study

Scientific Papers: h-index 22
Altogether, more than 300 scientific papers have been produced.
Citations: 2526

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 1983-2003: 76 papers

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 2004: 27 papers

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 2005: 8 papers

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 2006: 21 papers

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 2007: 18 papers

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 2008: 16 papers

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 2009: 15 papers

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 2010: 13 papers

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 2011: 15 papers

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 2012: 16 papers

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 2013: 19 papers

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 2014  19 papers

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 2015: 4 papers

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 2016: 9 papers

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 2017: 10 papers

For a complete and detailed list of all the scientific papers i had produced, please download my CV/Resume in PDF format by clicking the button. 

CAI/Multimedia/Telehealth Magazines

1. Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 2003; Holy Haj-Rites and Rituals; Telehealth-online- USM

2. Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 2003; Health Care for Haj Pilgrims; Telehealth-online- USM
3. Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 2003; Umra and Ziyaratal Medina-Rites and Rituals; Telehealth-online- USM
4. Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 2003;A Dozen of “D-s” For Al- Haj

For a complete list of all my contributions to online Applied Radiology journal, Ad-hoc modules, guided course apparatus, nursing protocols for the patient, a list of all the students I have mentored, projects/thesis/case reports/dissertations/research proposals that I have supervised and the number of invited speeches that I have given, please refer to my complete resume in PDF.

I have also carried my part in caring for the society with a lot of community work and service, please feel free to go through my complete resume for a list. 

15. 3   Thesis supervision (Main and Co-supervisor/Researcher):   27 Projects


  1. ADR. Harendra Kumar Patel, 2000; Intussusception in Children: Reliability of Plain Abdominal Radiography and Ultrasonography in Diagnosis and Management. Co-interpretor- Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem: Analysis and Interpretation of all investigations in this study

  2. Dr. Fairos Binti Abdul Muthalib 2001; Normal Pituitary Gland On Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Size, shape and appearance in Kelantan Population. Second Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  3. Dr. Sazali Satari, 2003; A study on the validity and accuracy of MRI in the prediction of neurovascular bundle involvement  in musculo skeletal tumors of the extremities - Main Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  4. Dr. Azman Kiflie, 2003; The Prognostic value of Sequentia Computerised Tomography changes in Moderate and svere  Head Injuries-Main Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  5. DR. Lee Cheng Wai, 2004; The determination of local Malay Female Bone Mineral Density and its Correlation with Geometric Properties in the Evaluation of Skeletal Status- Main Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  6. Dr. Khoiri Bin Man, 2004; A Pilot Study: Prevalence of Plain CT scan negative and Perfusion CT scan positive for Infarction in Cases of Acute Stroke. Supervisorr: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  7. Dr. Nor Hayati, 2001-05; Assessment of Doppler blood flow study in periurethral enlargement of prostate. Main Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  8. Dr. Kartika Salwa, 2001-05: A Prospective study to determine the potential role of modified mammography imaging technique in detecting adult bony lesion. Main Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  9. Dr. Wan Nor Hayati Binti Wan Yusoff,2006; A preliminary Study ofnUltrasonographic Appearences  of Gall Bladder and Biliary Tract in Clinically Suspected Biliary Atresia; Main Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  10. Siti Jusna @ Siti Sharifah Muhammed,2006; CT Brain Study to determine sit of predilection of Intracranial Lesion in HIV/AIRS Patient and its association with Neurological Symptoms and CD4 Count; Main Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  11. Dr. Kartikasalwah Binti Abd. Latif,2006; A Sonography Measurement of kidney dimension in ansample of healthy newborns; Main Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  12. Dr. Siti Suhaila bt. Ismail  Examiner,2007; Hippocampal Volumetric Studies on MRI images in Patients with Refractory Epilepsy. Dissertation Main Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  13. Dr. Hamzah Ahmad, 2008: The Value Of Routine Portable Chest Radiograph Of  Patients In Intensive Care Unit (Icu); C0- Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

14. Dr. Ellyda , 2009:A Record Review Study On The Successfulness Of Radioiodine Ablation In Postoperative Well Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Patients Using 100mCi Of 131-I in HUSM

15. Dr. Rohsila B. Mohd.  2009; Morphanalysis of Nasal Zone Traits using Face Photography and 3-D CT Scan images of Patients /Subjects Attending Hospital University Sains Malaysia to provide Basis for Skull /Facial identification. Main Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

16. Dr. Bashir Mashi Iliya 2011; An Analysis of Trabeculae Pattern for Determination of Individual and Anthropometric Measurements Of The Knee to Differentiate Sex and Age; Main Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem;

17. Dr. Huzaimah Bt Ahmad, 2011; Estimation of Stature From The Dimensions of Non-Weight Bearing Feet Among Adult Malay Population Attending HUSM – A Preliminary Study; Main Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem;   

18. Dr. Mohd. Iqhbal B. Kunji Mohd. 2010.  Ultrasonographic Inferior Vena Cava /Abdominal Aorta Diameter Index, A new approach of Assessing Hypovolemic Shock Class 1; Co-supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

19. Dr. Azzahra Bt Nurul Azman, Radiology, USM , 2012-13; Lumbar facet joint angle among Malaysians: Its predictive value in Prolapsed IV disc and determinin feasibility of lumbar microendoscopic discectomy without violation of facet joint. Main Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

20. Dr. Chow Kok Soon, Radiology, USM , 2012; The Association of Parietal skull thickness With Underlying EDH And Parietal skull Fracture Among Motorcyclists with multitrauma. Main Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem;

21. Dr. Sharini Bt Shamsudin, Radiology, USM , 2012’ Patella Measurements As A Sex Determinant In Malay Population Attending Husm. Main Supervisor: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem;

22.Dr. Muhammad Yusuf Bin Muharam, ED, USM , 2012 Usage Of Bedside Portable Ultrasound For Fracture Diagnosis & Assessment Of Successful Fracture Reduction - A Cross-Sectional Study In Emergency Department (Ed), Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia.. Co-Supervisor: Prof Madya Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem.  Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

23. Dr. Zalina Mahmud, Radiology, USM , 2012; Comparison Between Brachial Artery Reactivity Using Ultrasound Pre And Post Exercise In Coronary Artery Disease (Cad) And Non-Cad Male Patients; Supervisor: Prof Madya Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem.  Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

24. Dr Ahmad Tarmizi Bin Musa, Radiology, USM , 2012-13; Estimation Of Height Of Adult Malays In Kelantan Using Calcaneous Bone Measurement On Plain Radiograph. Supervisor: Prof Madya Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem.  Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem   

25. Dr. Siti Noorul Arisah Muhamad Nor, Radiology, USM , 2012; Sex Identification By Maxillary Sinus Measurements Using MDCT: A Study Among Malay Population Attending Husm; Supervisor: Prof Madya Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem.  Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

26. Dr.Lee Chee Kong, Radiology, USM , 2012; Multi-Centre CT Based Three-Dimensional Measurement Of Orbit And Eye Anthropometry In Adult Malaysia Population; Supervisor: Prof Madya Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem.  Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

27. Dr. Haider Ali Hasan, Sarjana Pergigian (Mod Penyelidikan),2015, 3D-CT Craniofacial and Dental Morphometry in Down Syndrome and Normal Subjects in HUSM, Co-researcher: Professor Madya Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

16.    Thesis Examiner / Academic ASSessor


       Total Thesis examined: 34


1. Thesis Examiner: M. Med (Rad)- 2001; The value of contrast medium in cranial computed Tomography in patients without Focal Neurological features: School of Medical Sciences-USM

2. Thesis Examiner: M. Med (Rad)- 2002; MRI of Lumbosacral spine for low back pain- correlation with clinical presentation and plain radiograph: School of Medical Sciences-USM.

3.  Thesis Examiner: M. Med (Rad)- 2003; Evalution of adequacy of positioning and compression and the effect of breast thickness in standard views(MLO and CC) on Mammographic interpretation of an abnormal Mammogram at Hospital Kota Bharu: School of Medical Sciences-USM

4. Thesis Examiner: M.Med (Rad)- Normal pituitary gland on MRI: Size,shaphe and appearance in Kelantan population-USM

5. Thesis Examiner: M. Med (Rad)- 2003 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in patients with epilepsy –clinical &  EEG correlation

6. Dr. Yusri B. Mohammed, 2000-03: MRI in Epilepsy: Correlation Study with EEG; Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

7. Dr.Yong Pei Yee, 2000-03: MRI of Lumbosacral spine for low back pain- correlation with clinical presentation and plain radiograph. Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

8. Dr. Noor Azizah, 2000-03: Evaluation of adequacy of positioning and compression and the effect of breast thickness in standard views (MLO and CC views) on Mammographic interpretation of an abanormal mammogram at Hospital Kota Bharu. Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

9. DR. Win Mar @ Salmah, 2000- ’03; The value of contrast medium in cranial computed tomography in patients without focal Neurological features. Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

10. Dr. Salmah @ Win Mar; 2004 MRI of Brain in Patients with Headache Without Focal neurological Deficit: Is Flair enough? Research proposal evaluator: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

11. Dr. Mohd. Shafie Abdullah, 2006; Evaluation Of Angiography induced Cerebral vasospasm using transcranial Doppler sonography in Patients with Subarchnoid Hemorrhage. Research proposal evaluator: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

12. Dr. Norwati Daud, 2004: A ccuracy Of Predefined Screning Criteria For Selective Ordering Of Chest X-ray in Routine Medical Examinations (RME) Among Students Entering Higher Learning Institution. Research proposal evaluator: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

13. Dr. Latifah Mohd Basheer, 2004; The Association Between Demography, Antropometry, Serum Estrogen and Breast Density in Patients Having Mammography in Kelantan.  Dissertation evaluator:: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

14. Dr, Nor Anita Bt. Che Omar.Examiner - Dissertation evaluator:: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem; Ultrasonographic features in Staphillococcus Epidermidis, Pseudomonas AEruginosa and Candida Albicans Endophthalmitis in Rabbits. 20 sep 04.

15. Dr. Nik Munirah Bt. Nik Mahdi,2004;   Examiner Md. Imran Yusof Static  and dynamic contrast-enhanced MR Imaging in characteristic of musculoskeletal lesions..

16. Dr. Latifah Mohd Basheer, 2005; A Comparative Study Of Tuberculosis Spondylitis On MRI, Plain Radiograph and Biopsy/HPE findings. Research proposal evaluator: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

17. Dr Siti Nor Badriati Bt Sheik Said, 2006: A Pilot Study Of Power Doppler Sonography Using Tumor Vascularity Pattern in Differentiating Benign From Malignant Breast Lesion. Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

18. Dr. Noor Azleen Bt Ayop, 2006: Pattern Of Injury and Preventability Of Pre-hospital Death Among Motorcyclist; Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

19. Dr. Santhi VAradharaja Pillai, 2005; Chest Radiograph in Assessing The Severity Of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in HIV and Non-HIV Patients. Research proposal evaluator: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem.

20. Dr. Kama Azira Bt Awang @ RAmli 2005; Correlation Of The Sonographic Parameters Of A Liver Abscess With Modes Of Treatment. Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

21. Dr. Shibani Aditi Knadhai,2007;  The Angioarchitecture of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations and it’s association with Intracranial Haemorrhage : An analysis; Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

22. Dr. Shanti A/P Varatharaja Pillai,2008;   Chest Radiography in assessing the seveority of pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV and Non – HIV patients. Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

23. Dr. Tariq Hussien Hussein Al – Rahomi. 2008; The association the intima media thickness of common carotid artery with coronary artery disease; Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

24. Dr. Sami Mohd. Ali Al – ashwai,2009; .The utility of initial chest radiograph in children presenting with symptoms of respiratory tract infection to Hospital USM. Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

25. Dr. Ellyda Bt Mohd Nordin,2009  A record review Study on the Successful of Radioiodine Ablation in Post operative well differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Patients using 100mCi of 131l in HUSM.

26.Dr. Ahmad Helmy Bin Abd. Karim  2009;. Study of Computed Tomography Perfusion in Traumatic Cerebral Contusion. Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

27. Dr. Jasmaniah Bt. Abd. Majid  2009. Radiation Dose Reduction in Adult Abdomen and Pelvis Ct Scan. Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

28. Dr. Shahlinawati Bt. Sahabudin.2009  .99m Tc-MIBI Scintimammography in Diagnosing Breast Cancer, A Comparison with Mammography Findings. Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

29.. Dr. Normawati bt. Mat Said, 2009; Pre-Operative Sonographic Parameters and Comparison of Outcome in Arteriovenous Fistula between Pre-oerative Vascular Mapping and Physical Examination in HUSM.  Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

30. Dr Suzieta Zamrah 2011; The Relevant Anatomical Parameters Of The ICA And Optic In Realtion To Lateral Wall Of Sphenoid Sinus- An Mri Study; Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

31. Dr Siti Aisah Binti Hassan, 2011, MRI Evaluation Of Exit Foramina And Lateral Recess In Patients Who Undergo Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion In Hospital Raja Perumpuan Zainab II. Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

32. Dr Mehrdad Hajmomenian. 2012 Morphometric Assessment of Sphenoid Sinus In Malay Population- Based On Computed Tomography; Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

33. Dr Chiang Yoong Fei, 2012; Impact Of Lower Calyceal Anatomy And Stone Size On Stone Clearance After Extracorporal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (Eswl) In Adults Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

34. Dr Seyed Ahmad Taheri May 2012; Association Between Computed Tomography Grading Scales Of Aneurysmal Subarchnoid Haemorrhage And Outcome Results; Dissertation examiner: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem


Evaluator or Assessor of Dissertation & Research proposals: 65

  1. Dr. Mohd. Shafie Abdullah,2006 Evaluation of angiography – induced cerebral vasospasm using transcranial Doppler sonography in patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage. Evaluator Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  2. Industrial Training Report: Session 2005 – 2006; Dr, Noor Azura Bt Rasit, Dr. Norliza Bt. Ismail; Estimation of Radiation Dose in the Non-central Beam area of Computerized Tomography Scan.

                                    Evaluator:   Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  1. Dr. Wan Syazli Rodzalan B. Wan Ahmad Kamal; A Comparative Study between different  Ischaemic times during Intra- operative Transfer of Free Vascularized Bone Graft based on the Genicular Artery in Rabbits. From March 2010 – June 2010.  Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem 11  Mar’ 10

  2. Dr. Siti Najibah Hanim Bt. Mat Nadzir; A Study of Radiation Dose and Scattered Radiatin to infants during mobile X-ray procedure in NICU HUSM. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

11 Nov 2010.

  1. Dr. Nurul Hashikin Bt. Ab. Aziz. Year 4 – 11 Nov 2010; A study for Estimating the Radiation Dose to Fetus from Radiotherapy of Breast Cancer. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  2. Hanim Zakaria; Measurement of Dose Area product CDAP and Entrance Skin dose Fluroscopy procedure using chromic  film XR – RV2; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem        10 Nov 2010.

  3.  Aisyahton Awang @ Mohd. Daham. Entrance surface dose for chest x-ray by using direct and indirect measurement.10 Nov 2010. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  4. Azianti Bt. Asiar; Effect of Breast thickness to sensitive organ following Tangential Beam Radiography. 11 Nov2010 Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  5. Nurul Fatishah Bt. Asmul; Assessment of display performance of Radiology department at HUSM.  11 Nov 2010. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  6. Nurul Ashikin Bt. Rifin. Evaluation of organs dose along the Scan length in routine head CT Scan. 09 Nov 2010. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  7. Ong Wei Loong; Response of TLD – 100H under diagnostic energy range X-Ray (50kvp – 120 kvp)11 Nov 10. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  8. Nor Hafzan Sarah Bt. Almuin; Optimization in imaging techniques of Dual – Energy X-Ray absorptiometry 11 Nov 2010. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  9. Izyan Fhazida Bt. Mohd. Shafri; Comparison of TPS calculation with correction and without correction for inhomogencity in breast cancer treatment. 10 Nov 2010. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  10. Siti Norsyahida Ahmad Seburi. Study of female breast dose reduction during thoracic computwed Tomography (CT) imaging. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem;09 Nov 2010

  11.  Aimi nadirah Bt. Che Isa. Determination of Half value Layer(HVL) in general radiography using radiochromic films. 11 Nov 10. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kare

  12. Nor Hanisah Bt. Megat Azman. A comparative study of Contralateral Breast surface dose for various Tangential Field  Techniques  09 Nov 2010.   Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  13. Nurul Nabila Amalina Bt Mat Zin; No. Matric: AS080259; Scattering in diagnostic X-ray room.; Period of Research: 5th dec to 31st dec 2010 Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem                   

  14. Nik Kamarullah Ya Ali; Scatter Radiation Duing X-ray Examination; Its Safe To Public in HUSM Wards;2011-12; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Karee

  15. Abubakr H Mossa, Anatomy, 2011-12; The Pattern And Variations Of The Circle Of Willis And Theirrelationship With Cerebral Aneurysms Using CT Angiography In HUSM, A Radiological Study; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Karee

  16. Azizah, UiTM, 2011-12; Detecting rib fractures using Inverted Images In Digital Radiography Systems; 2011-12; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  17. Nor Izzati, 2011-12; image quality in CR mammography, 2011-12; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  18. Shani Ann Mani, 2011-12; A Pilot Study Od Development Of Permenatnt Teeth In Malay Children Between 7-15 Years; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kare

  19. Yahye Abbas Amin, School of Physics; Lung dose distribution using TLD and Montecorto and comparison with treatment planning system;12011-12; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  20. Natassha, PPSK; A study on the epigenetic traits of the skull in Malaysian population recorded in digitally acquired CR for individual identification in forensics; 2011-13; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  21. Comparison of Image Quality Between Standarad Imaging Mode and Tissue Harmonic Mode Using A Multipurpose Tissue/Cyst Phantom in Ultrasound Machines At HUSM. Principal Researcher: Dr Zoreefa Nadhratul Syaheera Zulkifli, PPSK; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  


  1. Low Energy X-Ray response of TLD100;Effect Of Heating RateOn Glow Curve. Principal researcher: Nurul Huda BtAhmed. PPSK; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  2. Measurement of Mean Glandular Dose In CR Mammography In Magnification Technique. Principal researcher: NurhamizahBt Md Rafiuddin, PPSK; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  3. Breast Phantom For An Accurate Mass and Dose Analysis. Principal Researcher: Nurazliana Ab Aziz, PPSK; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  4. Estimation of Fetal Dose In The CT Pelvic Procedure.Principal Researcher: Nur Farihah, PPSK; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  5. Optimisation Of CXR Technical Parameters Using Duke Phantom. Principal Researcher: Nur Athirah, PPSK; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  6. Contribution Of Scatter Radiation to The Mean Glandular Dose in CR Mammography.Principal Researcher: Nor Suhaiza, PPSK; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul

  7. Natassha, PPSK; A study on the epigenetic traits of the skull in Malaysian population recorded in digitally acquired CR for individual identification in forensics; 2011-13; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kare

  8. Comparison of Image Quality Between Standarad Imaging Mode and Tissue Harmonic Mode Using A Multipurpose Tissue/Cyst Phantom in Ultrasound Machines At HUSM. Principal Researcher: Dr Zoreefa Nadhratul Syaheera Zulkifli, PPSK; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  9. Comparison of CT Dose Index Using Ionisation chamber, TLD and Film Measurement. Principal researcher: Nor Sharifizawani, PPSK; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  10. Effect Of Miscentering To CT Dose Index and Signal Noise Ratio in Abdominal MSCT scan. Principal Researcher: Nor AinRabaiee, PPSK; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  11. Comparison of Mean Glandular Dose and Spatial Resolution for Various Target/ Filter Combinations in CR Mammography. Principal Researcher: Abdul Khaliq Md Saparudin, PPSK; 2011; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  12. Implementation of Radiation Protection Guideline for women of childbearing age: A survey across various Radiology departments in East region of Peneinsular Malaysia; Amiza qhuldi Bt Aziz; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  13. Penilaian Dos Efective atas Pesakit Yang Menjalani peosedur Angiografi Kardiac Tomografi Berkomputer (TB) Dan Angiografi Conventional di Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, KK (HUSM; Marlina Bt Md  Nor Ratasha Alia Bt Md Rosli; 2012 Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  14. A study on the detrimental effects of Ocean acidification acidification caused by Climate Changes on the coral reef of malaysia; Nithiyaa ; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  1. A Comparision between negative images (Inverse) and positive images of AP Chest Radiograph in detecting rib fracture in HUSM, KK, Kelantan; Md Amirul Bin Tajuddin; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  2. Differentiating low grade glioma and High grade glioma using DWI and MRS; Dr. Julian Ong Joo Lian; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  3. Clastrophobic Among Patients proceeding MRI in HUSM, KK, Kelantan; Md Iqbal; 2012; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  4. The Comparision between negative and positive images Using CR, FO2 detecting pneumonia; Omar Bin Ab Aziz; 2012 Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  5. Selection of the baseline in CT bain examination; Zaidani Bin Md, 2012 ;Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  6. The role of CTA and conventional Catheterisation in detecting CA stenosis; Md Ariff Zaki; 2012 ;Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  7. Dr. Win Mar @ Salmah; Assessment of response to Radiation Therapy in Patient with Intracranial Glicoma by Diffusion – Weighted MR imaging.    Evaluated - 07 Dec 2005- Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  8. Eswaran Nadarajan (ortho 0028110) safe working zone for lumbar interbody fusion through lateral transpsoas approach (Morphometric study based on MRI of lumbar spine) 2012-13; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  9. Dr. Azzahra Bt Nurul Azman, Radiology, USM , 2012-13; Lumbar facet joint angle among Malaysians: Its predictive value in Prolapsed IV disc and determinin feasibility of lumbar microendoscopic discectomy without violation of facet joint. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  10. Dr. Chow Kok Soon, Radiology, USM , 2012; The Association of Parietal skull thickness With Underlying EDH And Parietal skull Fracture Among Motorcyclists with multitrauma. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  11. Dr. Sharini Bt Shamsudin, Radiology, USM , 2012’ Patella Measurements As A Sex Determinant In Malay Population Attending Husm. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  12. Dr. Muhammad Yusuf Bin Muharam, ED, USM , 2012Usage Of Bedside Portable Ultrasound For Fracture Diagnosis & Assessment Of Successful Fracture Reduction - A Cross-Sectional Study In Emergency Department (Ed), Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia.. Co-Supervisor: Prof Madya Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem.  Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  13. Dr. Zalina Mahmud, Radiology, USM , 2012; Comparison Between Brachial Artery Reactivity Using Ultrasound Pre And Post Exercise In Coronary Artery Disease (Cad) And Non-Cad Male Patients; Supervisor: Prof Madya Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem.  Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  14. Dr Ahmad Tarmizi Bin Musa, Radiology, USM , 2012-13; Estimation Of Height Of Adult Malays In Kelantan Using Calcaneous Bone Measurement On Plain Radiograph. Supervisor: Prof Madya Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem.  Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem   

  15. Dr. Siti Noorul Arisah Muhamad Nor, Radiology, USM , 2012; Sex Identification By Maxillary Sinus Measurements Using Mdct: A Study Among Malay Population Attending Husm; Supervisor: Prof Madya Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem.  Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  16. Dr.Lee Chee Kong, Radiology, USM , 2012; Multi-Centre CT Based Three-Dimensional Measurement Of Orbit And Eye Anthropometry In Adult Malaysia Population; Supervisor: Prof Madya Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem.  Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  17. Md Arif, university Airlangga, 2012; Panoramic radiography in the diagnosis of Carotid artery Atherosclerosis in type-2 DM. Supervisor: Prof Madya Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem.  Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  18. Estrellita Elena, Pegawai perbatan, 2009-2012; The association of sonographic features of Liver abscess maturity with the yield of percutaneous aspiration. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  19. Sharipan Intan shafina,Radiology, USM, 2010-2013; A study on treatment outcome of patients with LBP who underwent MRI of LS spine in HUSM; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  20. Chandran natarajan, Radiology, USM, 2012-13; Technical success rate in antegrade stenting in Malignant urinary Obstruction in Gynecological malignanacy; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  21. Md Rizal, Radiology, USM, Jan’10-Dec 2012; The effects of channa striatus (ikan Harvan) extract on US changes of involution of uterus among post LSCS women in HUSM. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  22. Dr Md yusri, Radiology, USM, Jun’11-Dec 2012; Comparison between milk and gastrograffin as oral contrast in abdominal CT scan; Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem   

  23. Dr Ahmad hadif Zaidin, Radiology, USM, Apr’12-Dec 2013; Comparison of sonographic Carotid IM thickness measurement between Thalasemia patients in HUSM with general population and its relationship with patient’s biochemical marker. Evaluated and recommended by - Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  24. Ooi Mei Xuan, Matrix 107512; CVS Block; CAD; Assessment of Clinical case presentation: Evaluator:  Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

  25. Lee Chiu Yee; Matrix 107442;CVS Block; Unstable angina with Left heart failure; Assessment of Clinical case presentation, Evaluator:: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem

  26. Hor Jie Ning;Matrix 107426;CVS CVS Block; Unstable angina with Left heart failure; Assessment of Clinical case presentation: Evaluator: Dr. HJ. Abdul Kareem  

Future Plans

  1. Goals on Track: Future plan:













  1. Establishing ‘Medical radiology and Imaging’ as a separate discipline in undergraduate medical curriculum (MBBS) in Taylor’s university

  2. Establishing  a degree/Diploma degree course in ‘Medical radiology and Imaging’ in Taylor’s university

  3. Establishing  a degree/Diploma degree course in ‘Medical ultrasonography Imaging’ in Taylor’s university

  4. Forensic Radiology is not well developed in Malaysia. Now, I want to start Forensic Radiology too in Malaysia as an established wing .



Already I have done the researches in the following fields:

Forensic Science:  8

Respiratory / ORL: 3

Musculoskeletal:    2

Oncology/Tumor:   6

Cardiac/Vascular:  4

Nervous System:   2

I want to do some more researches in Psychiatry



Proposed Publication

     1. A  Sonography Measurement Of Kidney Dimensions In A Sample Of Healthy Newborns

 2. MRI Volumetric Analysis And Signal Intensity Changes of Hippocampus in Refractory

    Epilepsy Patients

     3. “Morphanalysis of Nasal zone traits using face photographs and 3-D CT scan images of

          patients/subjects attending Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia to provide a basis for skull /

          facial identification.”

 4.  CT brain study to Determine The Site Of Predilection Of  Intracranial Lesions in HIV/AIDS

      Patients with neurological Symptoms And its Association with Toxoplasma And

      Cryptococcal Infections    

5.  Estimation of Stature From The Dimension of Non-weight  Bearing Foot of Adult Malay

           Population Attending HUSM- A Preliminary Study (Research)

  1.  Estimation of height of adult Malays in Kelantan using calcaneus bone measurement on

          plain radiograph     

  1. Comparison Between Brachial Artery Reactivity Using Ultrasound on Non-coronary Artery

          Disease and Coronary Artery Disease male patients

  1. The Association of Parietal Skull Thickness with Underlying EDH & Parietal Skull Fracture

          among Motorcyclists with Multitrauma  

  1. The accuracy of trabeculae pattern in identification and anthropometry measurement in

          differentiating sex and age using knee radiographs-A preliminary study (Research)

  1. Association between symptomatic cardiac patients with inconclusive diagnostic exercise

           treadmill test and calcium score (Research)

  1. Lumbar facet joint angle among Malaysians: Its predictive value in Prolapsed IV disc


     12. A Study on the epigenetic traits of the skull in Malaysian population recorded in digitally

          acquired CT for individual identification in forensic, Nateassha Bt Hashim, PPSK, USM

     13. Radiology OSCE book on PAEDIATRIC DISEASES

     14. Supervision of 1-2 PhD candidates if possible

     15. To include many students (PhD) in my research study

     16. To motivate students to achieve distinctions/awards


I have a passion for uncovering unique and compelling ways of diagnosis; revel in knowing that I can ameliorate thousands of sick people.


I have at least three professional references that can be contacted to get more information about me, as well as verify the information that I have given in your resume outline.


I  confidently and sincerely declare that the information given above is  true to the best of my knowledge.


 -Dr. Abdul Kareem Meera Mohaideen

Associate Professor in Taylor’s University

Click on the button below to download my full CV in PDF. 

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