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1. Ahmad, RashidiKunji, MohamadIqhbal; Ahmad M. Zikri; Kareem, Meera Mohaideen Hj Abd; Halim, Shami; 2012; Ultrasonographic Abdominal Aorta Diameter Changes: A Predictor of Hypovolemic Shock Class 1; ZL 50: EN. Price: 25$ ; 53-56;


2. AP Dr. M. Abdul Kareem: Contributor to the Book by Prof Dr. Faridah Abdul Rashid, 2012, Xilibris corporation, Biography of the Early Malay Doctors 1900-1957 Malaya an Singapore.


3. AP Dr. M. Abdul Kareem: Contributor to the: Book by Prof Dr. Faridah Abdul Rashid, 2012, Xilibris corporation, Research on  the Early Malay Doctors 1900-1957 Malaya an Singapore; Total no. of pages: 392



Monograph (a scholarly piece of essay or book l on a specific subject) and Repositories:


1. Haji. Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, 1994; Monograph on “ Islam and Science ”; Journal of Indian Muslim Association in Hong kong. Page: 76-81. Won consolation Global Prize.


2. Shaphiya-kareem ,1995, Monograph  on “ Role Of Small Nations in World Peace ” Embassy of The State of Kuwait, Indo-Kuwait Dewan (Won second prize at International level)

3.  Sophiya Begum-Kareem,1995, Monograph on  ‘Facilitation Of Learners’ Participation in Adult education”  National Literacy mission, Direcorate of adult education, Ministry of Human Resource. India

     (Awarded consolation prize at International level)


4. SadiqLin naing….Abdul Kareem…Repository: Study on Respiratory health Hazard and its management among rice mills and saw mills workers. Open access repository of USM


5. MM Abdul Kareem and Shuaib… The Determination of Bone Mineral Density of Local Malay Female and its’ Correlation With Geometric Properties in the Evaluation of Skeletal Status


Monograph in Magazines for general public in local language:


1. Shaphi-Kareem, 2002;  Alteration in the creation  (about the Physical, Psychological and Social

   aspects of Uterine transplantation): Nambikkai- monthly magazine,, May 2002; 21-22.


2. AbdulKareem.2003; Cloning- Facts of Truth and false; Nambikkai-– Malaysian  monthlyMagazine; Sep 2003, 20-25;


3. Shaphiya-Kareem.2003; Do Animals Fast? Effects of fasting on the Metabolism in Animals!); Nambikkai-

    Malaysian Malaysian  monthlyMagazine ; 2003Nov; 48-51;


4. Abdul Kareem.2004; Hello! Are you on Health Care - A Grounding preparation for Haj Pilgrimmage: Nambikkai- Malaysian monthly Magazine; www. ;2004 Jan 20-25;


5. Shaphiya-Kareem, 2004, Take-Care of Health! Health Tips for women during Pilgrimage; International  Monthly Magazine; Feb 2004, page: 36-43;


6.Riaz, Kareem, 2004, Heart Attack in Children-I; Islamic Monthly Magazine,; Aug 2004, page: 33-37 ; www.


7. Riaz, Kareem , 2004, Heart Attack in Children-II (Heart Attack in a 7 year old child) Malaysian Monthly Magazine Sep 2004, page: 17-19



(c) Journal/E-Journal/Journal Proceeding         h-index 20  Citations:2211



i) Journals Publication


  1. M. Abdul Kareem, M.K. Sivakkolunthu, B.S. Shetty;  1986; Pulmonary Arteriovenous Fistula associated with    Mitral Stenosis- A Rarity. Indian Journal of Radiology and ImagingI, 40:2;125-127


2. BM. Biswal, A. Kareem and NM Ahmed; 2001:Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy: An unusual manifestation in Nasopharyngeal cancer. Australasian Radiology, Vol 45(1) page71-73


3.Abdul Kareem, 2003; Review of Global Menace Of Road Accidents with Special Reference To Malaysia- ASocial  Perspective. MJMS Vol 10 –no.2: (31-39).


4. Kiflie AAlias NAAbdul-Kareem MMMar WAbdullah JNaing NN; 2006, The prognostic value of early follow-up computerized tomography of the brain in adult traumatic brain injury. Med J Malaysia.  Oct;61(4):466-73.


5. Man,Kareem A M M etal; 2006, Computed tomography Perfusion Of Ischemic Stroke Patients In A Rural Malaysian Tertiary Referral Centre; Singapore Med J 2006, 47 (3):194-7


6.K Man, MMA Kareem, NAA Alias…2004;.Outcome and cost effectiveness of urgent perfusion CT scan services in a rural based Malaysia University hospital for stroke patients; STROKE 36(6)..


7. Ahmad, R. Kunji, M.I.Ahmad, M.Z. ;  Kareem, M.M.H.A. ;  Halim, S.A.; 2012;  Ultrasonographic abdominal aorta diameter changes: A predictor of hypovolemic shock class 1; Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (HIBIT), 2012, Page(s): 53 – 56  


8. MMA Kareem and Riaz Ahmed, Editorial: ‘Radiopath’- an assimilation of Radiology and Pathology: a need of the day! IJMU, Vol 9, No (2):1-3, July 2014, ISSN 1694-0423 Publisher Date July1, 2014


9. N. Hashim, N. Hemalatha, K. Thangaraj, Abdul. Kareem, A. Ahmed, N.F. Hassan, P.T. Jayaprakash. Practical relevance of prescribing superimposition for determining a frontal sinus pattern match; Forensic Sci. Int., 253 (2015), pp. 137e1–137e7


10. Nik Hisamuddin NA Rahman, Rashidi Ahmad, Meera Mohaideen Kareem,…; Ultrasonographic assessment of Inferior vena cave/ abdominal aorta diameter Index- a new approach of assessing hypovolemic shock class1; International journal Of Emergency Medicine (2016) 9:8


ii)  Journal proceeding/Supplementary journals

  1. Rashidi Ahmad, Md Iqhbal Kunji, Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem..,,2013; New approa h of assessing of hypovolemic shock class 1 during acute emergencies: ultraosnographic Inferior vena cava and abdominal aorta diameter ratio. AIP confe. Proceedings, 1557, 434 (2013); AIP scitation

  2. AP Dr.Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 2003 Genetic cloning: ? A Myopic View; Malays J Med Sci. 2003 July; 10(2): 153

  3. M. Abdul Kareem,  Ibrahim Lutfi Shuaib, Dr. Nurul Azman etal 2003 ; Study of Variants in Renal Parenchyma in Malaysians- A Study of 70 Cases at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. Malays J Med Sci. 2003 July; 10(2): 123.

  4. Lee Cheng Wai, Abdul Kareem j. Ibrahim Lutfi Shuaib 2005; The Determination of Bone Mineral Density of Local Malay Female and its’ Correlation With Geometric Properties in the Evaluation of Skeletal Status Malays J Med Sci. 2005 January; 12(1): 83.

  5. Azman bin Kifle, Dr. Abdul Kareem  ,Prof. Dr. Jafri Malin; The 2005; Prognostic Value of Initial and Follow-Up Computerized Tomography (CT) of Brain in Adult Patients With Moderate and Severe Head Injury Following Motor Vehicle Accident Malays J Med Sci. 2005 January; 12(1): 84.

  6. Siti Suhaila I, Abdul Kareem, Mohd. Shafie, Nurul Akhmar ,2005, Post Traumatic carotico-carvenous fistula The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences,vol12, supplement 1, 2005

  7. M. Abdul Kareem, Nurul Azman, Mohamed Shafie, A Riaz Ahmed ; 2005, Clinical application of Helical CT Scan in  HUSM The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences,vol12, supplement 1, 2005

  8. M. Abdul Kareem, Nik Munirah, A Riaz Ahmed ,2005, The spectrum of Renal Ultrasonography variations thro’ pediatric and adult ages –A study of 80 cases in HUSM The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences,vol12, supplement 1, 2005

  9.  Siti Jusna, M. Abdul Kareem, Salmah Win Mar, Md. Fairudz, 2005, Eagle Syndrome: A case Report The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences,vol12, supplement 1, 2005

20. Siti Jusna, M. Abdul Kareem, Arif Abas, 2005, Renal Omcocytoma – A rare case presentation The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences,vol12, supplement 1, 2005

21. Siti Suhaila I, Abdul Kareem, Mohd Ezane, Wan Zulkafli 2005, Intrautrine Rhabdoid Renal Tumour. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences,vol12, supplement 1, 2005

22.    Kartikasalwah, M. Abdul Kareem, Noreen, 2005, Cerebral Mycotic aneurysm complicating infective endocarditic in Mitral valvular disease- A case report, The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences,vol12, supplement 1, 2005, 1;79

23.   Abdul Kareem, Md Ezane, 2005, Trauma to cervical spine  Adult Vs, Pediatric, HUSM experience,  The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences,vol12, supplement 1,2005:11,  

24. Wan Nor Hayati,  M. Abdul Kareem, Nur Hayati, 2005,Giant Left Hepatic Artery Mycotic Aneurysm in Immunocompromisd Patient, The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences,vol12, supplement 1, 2005 1;76

25. Kartikasalwah AL, M. Abdul Kareem  et al; 2006,sonographic Kidney Measurements of Newborn: Is western standard applicable for Malaysian? The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences,vol13, supplement 1, 2006 1;30

26 .Abdul Kareem et al; 2006,Acute Abdomen In The Elderly-A Diagnostic Challenge; The Malaysian  Journal of Medical Sciences,vol13, supplement 1, 2006 1;52

27. Siti Jusna, M. Abdul Kareem et al; 2006, Multiple pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation (PAVMS) In A child; The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences,vol13, supplement 1, 2006 1;54

28. Abdul Kareem M et al 2006The Determination of Local Malay Female Bone Mineral Density And

     Its Correlation With Geometric Properties In The Evaluation Of Skeletal Status (Research) The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences,vol13, supplement 1, 2006,1;60

29. Wan Daizyreena WJ, Win Mar, , Abdul Kareem  2006, Hodgkin Lymphoma Of  Sternum: A Rare Occurrence The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences,vol13, supplement 1, 2006, 1;120


30. Siti Suhaila Ismail, Juhara Harun, Rohaizan Yunus, Abdul Kareem; 2006, Synchronous Endometroid Ovarian Tumor And Squamous Cell Cervical  Carcinoma; The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences,vol13, supplement 1, 2006, 1;146

         31. Siti Suhaila, Siti Jusna, Win Mar,  Abdul Kareem; 2006;Focal Hepatic

              Enhancement In Superior Vena Cava Obstruction; The Malaysian Journal of

             Medical Sciences,vol13, supplement 1, , 1;147

32  AP Dr. Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem, 2007, Emergency Radiological Management of Pregnant patient, 3rd National Congress on emergency medicine, Kota Bharu, 2007; 20-21

33. Abdul Kareem M, et al. 2008, Does The Morphometry And Magnetic Resonance Imaging Signal Intensity Changes Of Hippocampus In Refractory Epilepsy Patients Differ From Normal Subjects? The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences MJMS(2008)vol 15 supplement1 (57)


34. Izzat Abdulla. A, Meera Mohaideen AK 2008,. Three cases of Langerhans cells histiocytosis; The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences,vol15, supplement 1, 2008


35. Abdul Kareem M, et al.2008, A study to determine the association of CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts with intracranial Toxoplasmosis infection in HIV/AIDS patients in Kelantan,( Research) The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences MJMS (2008) vol 15 supplement1 (25)


36. RohsilaM.MeeraMohaideenAbdulKareem.2008, A rare case of pediatric gastric volvulus. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences MJMS(2008)vol 15 supplement1 (70)


37. Rohsila, M.Meera M Abdul Kareem. 2008, An interesting case of bilateral acoustic neuroma, The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences MJMS(2008)vol 15 supplement1 (105)


38. Rohsila M., Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem. 2009.Morphoanalysis of nasal zone traits using face photograph and CT scan images of patients/subjects attending HUSM to provide basis for skeletal/facial identificationThe Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences MJMS (2009) vol 16 Supplement1


39. AK Ahmed Helmy, Winmar, AK Meera Mohaideen.  2009, Tuberculospondylodiskitis with bilateral psoas abscess. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences MJMS (2009) vol 16 Supplement1


40.Rohsila Muhamad, Noreen, M., Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem.2009, Gorham’s disease of right humerus with bilateral chylothorax and pneumolymphaticum; Compendium of abstracts, 14thNational conference on Medical and Health Sciences 21-22 May 2009. The Malaysian Journal of

     Medical Sciences MJMS (2009) vol 16 Supplement1


41. Izzat Abdulla. A, M. Abdul Kareem , 2010, Failed barium And Air Reduction In Intussusception- Our Experience With Six Patients,The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences MJMS (2010) Supplement1,  page 169


42. Izzat Abdulla. A,. M. Abdul Kareem , 2010, The pattern of metastases in Malignant cutaneous melanomas, The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences MJMS (2010) Supplement1, page 210



iii) e-journal/Journal online/Case report Feedback


  1. Meeramohaideen Abdulkareem. Comment: An elderly man with hemoptysis, Applied Radiology online journal,    3 July 2007

  2.  Meeramohaideen Abdulkareem. Comment: Esophageal carcinoma Stage III (T3N1M0) with left upper paratracheal regional lymphnode metastasis. Applied Radiology online journal. 16 July 2007 Comment:

  3. Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem, 2007, Comment:  Right posterior cerebral artery aneurysm. Applied Radiology online journal. 25 July 2007 

  4. Meeramohaideen Abdulkareem.2007, Comment: Wilms tumor. Applied Radiology online journal. 31 July 2007. 

  5. Meeramohaideen Abdulkareem., 2007, Comment:  A 2-year old  boy with a painless right abdominal mass. Applied Radiology. 1 August 2007

  6. Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem.2007, Comment:  Radiology Quiz: Abdominal CTA with Direct Dual Energy Bone S, Applied Radiology online journal. 4 August 2007   

  7. Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem, 2007. Comment:  A 44-year old male with roximal wepakness. Applied Radiology online journal. Radiology Quiz. 15 October 2007

  8. Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem, 2007. Comment: Uterine arteriovenous malformation. Applied Radiology online journal. 16 July 2007 

  9. Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem,2007,  Comment: Right internal carotid artery thrombosis, with associated right middle cerebral artery territory infarction. Applied Radiology. 29 July 2007

  10. Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem, 2007. Comment:  Double aortic arch. Applied Radiology online. 26 August 2007 

  11. Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem., 2007 Comment:  Cortical dysplasia. Applied Radiology online. 14 September 2007 

  12. Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem.2007, Comment: Haglund's syndrome. Applied Radiology online. 31 October 2007 

  13. Meeramohaideen Abdul Kareem M. 2008, Comment: Hepatic epitheloid hemangioendothelioma. Applied Radiology online Radiology Quiz. 24 April 2008 

  14. Meeramohaideen Abdul Kareem M. 2009, Comment: Hepatic epithelial hemangioendothelioma. Applied Radiology online 31 January 2008 

  15. Meeramohaideen Abdul Kareem M. 2009 Comment: Inferoseptal infarct with peri-infarct ischemia - Applied Radiology on line Journal (2009)



(d) Chapter In Research Book/ Article research Bulletin



  1. Abdul Kareem, 2002, Promising Key role of Positron Emission Tomography 2002: Bulletin Penyelidikan, Vol.2-No.2.Ogos 2002,Page –3-

  2. Abdul Kareem.2003; Clinical Trials in Cancer Research: Buletin Penyelidikan. Research Buletin of school of Medical Sciences; vol.3- No.3. Dec 2003: page 3-

  3. Prof Madya dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 2006,X-rays on the official list of known human carcinogens Bulletin Penyelidikan, Vol.6-No.3.Dec 2006,Page​



  1. M. Abdul Kareem; 2003; A Safe Pilgrimage spread of contagious diseases - Basic Health Care details: The Hindu Magazine, India, International edition: January 26, 2003

  2. ShaphiKareem, 2003; Unendurable Evil  (Nenju Porukkuthillaiyae ) of  the Medical Mental and Social effects of Incest, Nambikkai Malaysian  International Islamic Journal,, February 33-35.

  3. Shaphiya Kareem.2003; Sexual harassment-A Social stigma (Panjum Neruppum); Nambikkai- Malaysian  International Islamic Journal ; ,Oct 24-

  4. Riaz-Kareem.2003; Seat of Wisdom, Nambikkai- Malaysian  International Islamic Journal,, Nov, 64-68

  5. M. Abdul Kareem,  2004, Health fitness for a contended Hajj; Majalah Bulanan Islam- Islamic Monthly Magazine, www.nambikkai.netl Feb 2004, page: 23-      

  6. Abdul Kareem, 2004, ,Limitations of Fasting Medical perspective, Majalah BulananIslam International-Islamic Monthly Magazine. Nov2004, page: 27-29 

  7. Naing, Razlan Rusli, Kareem A etal , 2004; Level of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Related to Respiratory Health Hazards Among Saw Mill Workers in Kelantan, Proceedings of sino-japanese International symposium on public health in the 21th century.

  8. Lin Naing, Razlan Rusli,… Abdul Kareem A etal , 2004; Validation of Questionaire for knowledge, attitudeand practice related to Respiratory Health Hazards and risks at workplaces, 9th National Conference On Medical Sciences,, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

  9. Lin Naing, Razlan Rusli,Abdul Kareem A etal , 2004; Level of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Related to Respiratory Health Hazards Among Saw Mill Workers in Kelantan, 9th National Conference On Medical Sciences; Universiti Sains Malaysia 

  10. Ismail,  Lee, A. Muhaideen et al, Mar 2004,The etermination of Local Malay Female Bone Mineral density and its Corelation properties the evaluation of Skeletal Status, Proceeding inthe journal of the medical Association of Thailand / scientific meeting of the Asia Pacific menopause federation, Vol 87 Suppl,1:86 

  11.  Shaphiya-Kareem, 2005,Role of women during Haaj pilgrimage, Nargees, Islamic Monthly Magazine for Women , India, Nov 2005, page: 69-74

  12. M. Abdul Kareem; 2006, Kaa’ba in vision; Majalah Bulanan Islam,, 2006 Dec 24-27

  13. Shaphiya Kareem; 2006. Role of fruits during fasting Majalah Bulanan Islam 2006 Oct, 69-71

  14.  Abdul Kareem; 2006, Can hypertensive patients perform Hajj pilgrimage? Majalah Bulanan Islam, 2006 Dec, 11-13

  15.  Associate Professor Dr M. Abdul Kareem, Consultant Radiologist, Universiti Sains Malaysia. 2007,Healthcare: Let us have better CT scan guidelines, The New Straits Time   28 December 2007

  16. Associate Professor Dr Abdul Kareem, 2008, Is It permissible for peptic ulcer patients to observe fasting? Islamic Monthly Magazine, YPI publications, Sep,2008, Page 25-27

  17. Associate Professor Dr Hj. Abdul Kareem, 2008, Diabetes potentially endanger feet! Islamic Monthly Magazine, YPI publications, July ,2008, Page 12-15  

  18. Meera Mohaideen Abdul Kareem, Dr Lin Naing, Razlan M , 2011; Evidence basedPneumoconiosis among sawmill workers in Kelantan, Conference Proceedings, 16th NCMHS.

Conference Presentation (oral and poster)




  1. M.Abdul Kareem, 1983; Case Presentation: Haemangioma of the bowel ; Indian Radiological & Imaging Association Annual Conference, Jipmer, Pondichery, 

  2. M.Abdul Kareem, 1983; Case Presentation: Laevocardia with Fallots Tetrology ; Indian Radiological & Imaging Association Annual Conference, Jipmer, Pondichery, 

  3. Dr. Abdul Kareem, 1984; Pulmonary A-V Fistula with Mitral Stenosis; XXXVII Annual Congress of Indian Radiological and Imaging Association, Bangalore, 

  4. Dr. Abdul Kareem, 1984; Hemangioma of Small Intestine; XXXVII Annual Congress of Indian Radiological and Imaging Association, Bangalore, 

  5. Dr. Abdul Kareem, 1984; Urological changes in Uterine Prolapse- study of 30 cases;  Indian Radiological & Imaging Association Annual Conference,Thanjavur, 

  6. Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, 1984; Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula Atypical presentations:  Indian Radiological & Imaging  Association Annual Conference, Thanjavur, 

  7. Dr. S. Sakthi Mohan…Dr. M. Abdul kareem, 1984; Osteopoikilosis- A Case Report: Indian Radiological & Imaging Association XXXVIII State Annual conference Annual Conference

  8. DR. M. Abdul Kareem, 1985; CT scan as surgical Aid: The joint conference of the Association of surgeons of India and International college of surgeons ,Madurai, india​ 

  9. Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, 1985; Usefulness of CT in certain clinical entities:  Indian Radiological & Imaging Association XXXVIII State Annual conference Annual Conference, Coimbatore, India 

  10. Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, 1985; Whole body scanner as diagnostic aid; XXXVIII-Annual Conference of Indian Radiological and Imaging Association, Coimbatore, 

  11. Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, 1986; CT scan in progressive neurological deficit; Annual Conference of Indian Radiological  and Imaging Association, Madurai, india​ 

  12. Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, 1986; Roentgen signs in Acute abdomen; Annual Conference of Indian Radiological and Imaging Association, Madurai,  

  13. M.Abdul Kareem,2001; Assessment of the Status of Neurovascular Bundle in Tumors by MRI: (Research) First Asean Conference On Medical Sciences 

  14. M. Abdul Kareem, Necessities Overrule Prohibition; July, 2002-The 4-th International Scientific Meeting Of  the Islamic Association and 19- th Council of the Federation of Islamic Medical Associations Kuala Lumpur 

  15.   M. Abdul Kareem, Unprecedented Risks in Human: Embryonic Cloning; 2002:The 4-th International Scientific Meeting Of The Islamic Association and 19- th Council of the  FederationOf Islamic Medical Associations, Kuala Lumpur 

  16. Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 8-9 May 2003; Genetic cloning- ? Amyopic view: National conference on medical sciences” Medicine in Genomic Era”, USM 

  17. Abdul Kareem M; 2004, A study of Estimating  muscle oedema Associated with  Musculoskeletal Neoplasms  Of the extremities by Magnetic Resonance Imaging; (Research) 10th Asian Oceanian Congress Of Radiology; Swissotel the Stamford, Singapore, 2004; Poster

  18. Abdul Kareem M et al, 2004, A study on the validity and accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the prediction of Neurovascular bundle in musculoskeletal tumors of the extremities;  (Research) Latest trends in Imaging 12-th AAR Congress, 2004, Mutiara Beach Resort,Penang

  19.  Abdul Kareem M et al 2004/ A study of charecterisation of muscle oedema by Magnetic Resonance Imaging in musculoskeletal tumors of the extremities Latest trends in Imaging, 12-th AAR Congress 2004, Mutiara Beach Resort, Penang

  20.  Abdul Kareem M et al 2004.Unfamiliarity and clinical underutility of an important roentgenographic sign Latest trends in Imaging (12-th AAR, 2004; Mutiara Beach Resort, Penang

  21.  Lee Cheng Wai, Hj. Abdul Kareem et al ,2004.The differntiation of Local Malay Female Bone Mineral Density and its Correlation with Geometric Properties in the evaluation of Skeletal Status Lights Of Medicine (Research Study) 9th National Conference On Medical Sciences 2004, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kota Bharu

  22.  K. Man, Hj. Abdul Kareem et al ,2004, Pilot Study: Prevalence Of Negative PlainCT and Positive Perfusion CT scan in cases of  Acute Stroke Lights Of Medicine: (Research study) 9th National Conference On Medical Sciences 2004, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kota Bharu

  23. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem et al 2004,Unfamiliarity and clinical underutility of an important roentgenographic sign, Lights Of Medicine: (Research study) 9th National Conference On Medical Sciences2004, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kota Bharu

  24. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem et al 2004,Correlative Study of the size of the Azygos vein and Cardiothoracic Ratioin 150 Adult males in Eastern Malaysia,(Research)  Poster presentation; Lights Of Medicine: 9th National Conference On Medical Sciences2004, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kota Bharu

  25. Prof Madya Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem et al; Clinical application of helical ct scan in HUSM; 10th NCMS- 2005; Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kota Bharu

  26.  Prof Madya Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem et al; The spectrum of renal ultrasonography variations thro’ pediatric and adult ages- a study of 80 cases in husm; (Research) 10th NCMS- 2005; Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kota Bharu

  27.  Prof Madya Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem et al; Magnetic resonance imaging analysis of muscle edema in musculoskeletal tumors; (Research)   10th NCMS- 2005; Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kota Bharu

  28. Prof Madya Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem , Prevalence of Negative Plain CT and Positive Perfusion CT scan in cases of Ac stroke- A piolet study (Research)    39th Singapore-Mlaaysia congress of medicine 1-3 July 2005 

  29. Aw Shaik Farid, A. Rashidi, NAR et al,Inferio​rvenacava Diameter changes during respiration is the earliest finding in acute Blood Loss; The International Symposium on critical care and emergency medicine2009, Bali, Indonesia; 30 july-1 Aug, 2009; Page 91   

  30. .Abdul Kareem M, siti jusna, Arif Abas…2010; Determination of The Association Of CD4+ T- ymphocyte Counts With the site and type of Intracranial Cryptococcal Infection In HIV/AIDS Patients; 6th Malaysia Indonesia Brunei Medical Sciences Conference 2010, Universiti. Brunei Darussalam, Brunei, Page, 61 

  31. Abdul Kareem M,   Hamzah Ahmad, Mohd , Ezane 2010; Shall we eliminate daily routine chest radiographs (CXRs) in critically ill patients in Intensive Care Unit (ICU)? Proceeding; 6th  Malaysia ndonesia Brunei Medical Sciences Conference 2010 Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei, Page 44,

  32. Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, Dr. A. Riaz Ahmed, Dr. Murali , 2010, Does the pattern and pitfalls of muscleedema in magnetic resonance imaging (mri) in musculo skeletal tumors of the extremities envisage malignancy?Proceedings  6th  Malaysia Indonesia Brunei Medical Science Conference 2010, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei, Page, 104 

  33. Meera Mohaideen AK, Ad Helimy etal; Analysis of Patterns of Metastasis in Colorectal cancer in HUSM. Does it imply  exclusion of routine survilence  CT scan of Pelvia, 16th NCMHS, 2011; 158 

  34. 35. Bashir MI, Dr. M. Abdul Kareem; Analysis of Patterns of Metastasis in Colorectal cancer in HUSM. Does it imply exclusion of routine surveillance CT scan of Pelvis? 16th NCMHS, 2011; 169 

  35. 36. Bashir MI, Dr. M. Abdul Kareem; An  Analyssi of Radiographic  measurement of  Knee in Plain Radiographs to differentiate between the sex and age on individuals in HUSM- A preliminary study. 16th NCMHS, 2011; 171

  36. 37. Meera Mohaideen. Abdul Kareem, Dr. Lin Naing; Razlan M etal; Evidence based Pneumoconiosis among saw mill workers in Kelantan;. 16th NCMHS, 2011; 174

  37.  M. Abdul Kareem, 2012;  Communication with fellow professional;  Programme for Bioehtics and communication course for Postgraduates  USM

  38. M. Abdul Kareem he Bottom Line Is, To Look Up, For The Big Picture And Communicate,Clinicopathology Conference, 22 march 2012

  39. Rashidi, Abdul Kareem 2012; Ultrasonographic Abdominal Aorta Diameter Changes: A Predictor Of Hypovolemic Shock Class-1, The 7th International Symposium On Health Informatics And Bioinformatics HIBIT 19 Apr 2012

  40. M. Abdul Kareem , 2012; Does CD4 cell count influence computed tomography (CT) scan imaging features of intracranial opportunistic infections (OI) lesions in adult HIV/ AIDS patients? 17th National Conference On Medical And Health Sciences 27 May 2012

  41. K Amir, Kareem, 2012; Calcium Scoring Study in Symptomatic Cardiac patients With Inconclusive Diagnostic Exercise Treadmill Test 17th National Conference On Medical And Health Sciences 27 May 2012

  42. Tarmizi, M. Abdul Kareem, 2012;  Non-traumatic Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum 17th National Conference On Medical And Health Sciences 28 May 2012

  43. A K Amir, Kareem, 2012; ssociation of Calcium score and symptomatic cardiac patients with inconclusive diagnostic exercfise treadmill test;2012 Joint Scientific Meeting. Cancer Imaging. College of Radiology, ,Penang

  44. Hj Dr. Abdul Kareem, 2012;;  National economy and social development in Malaysia: Role of Malaysian Indian MuslimsMadrasah Faizul Islam, Jalan Seri Maharaja, Kota bharu, In conjunction with Meelad-un-Nabi, 24 Feb 2012

  45. Abdul  Kareem, 2012Vital Role of Education and Economy in National progress, Persatuan Muslim Kelantan, 5503-Tingkat 2, Jalan Seri Maharaja, Kota Bharu In conjunction with Meelad-un-Nabi, 24 Feb 2012

  46. Abdul Kareem, 20122012CXR Diagnosis of Common Respiratory Infections at Kuala Lumpur, Gamedix  Sdn Bhd 2012 CME Training program, Armada Hotel-Petaling Jaya- KL, 23 Jun 2012

  47. Abdul Kareem 2012;Fasting: A scientific perspective Ceramah Agama, Y Abdul Kareem oung Muslim Sports Club-Penanag, 30 Jun 2012

  48. Abdul Kareem , 2012; Role of Investigator/ sponsor in Clinical Trials, Good Clinical Practice Workshop, 27 Aug 2012

  49. Abdul Kareem ,2012; Audit and Inspection Findings, Good Clinical Practice Workshop, 27 Aug 2012

  50. Abdul Kareem GCP: Adverse events in Clinical Trials Good Clinical Practice Workshop, 27 Aug 2012

  51. Abdul Kareem , 2012; Role of Radiography in Coronary Artery Disease (Heart Attack)-at Kuala Lumpur, Invited Lecture, Gamedix  Sdn Bhd , CME Training, 2012

  52. Abdul Kareem; SPC insertion is simple procedure; but can be a complicated one, Clinicopathology conference, 12 Jun 2012​


Publications Related to Teaching

Teaching Modules


These are collection of hand-out materials in these 15 years of my service with USM, prepared with the cooperation of colleagues and students meant to be for Public, staff and students:


  1. Important and complete Techniques in the assessment of neurovascular angiography; Technical guide for the department of Radiology

  2. Protocol and flow chart for Radiological management of head injury in adult

  3. Protocol and flow chart for Radiological management of stroke

  4. CT scan post shunt insertion for hydrocephalus

  5. Flow chart for post operative CT scan

  6. Flow chart for all management of head injury in children

  7. Flow chart for radiological management of head injury in children

  8. Flow chart for radiological management of Subarachnoid Haemorrhage

  9. Protoco for shuntogram

  10. Guideline for dissertation progress

  11. Protocol Series- For CT scan of Temporal Bone

  12. Protocol Series- For CT scan of Facial Canal

  13. Protocol Series- For Computed Tomography of Larynx

  14. How to deal with ‘Killing’ Multiple choice questions? How to answer to the core?

  15. Ad Hoc module-Information sheet to the patient on Barium Enema Examination

  16. Ad Hoc module-Information sheet to the patient on Barium Meal Examination

  17. Ad Hoc module-Information sheet to the patient on Barium swallow Examination

  18. Ad Hoc module-Information sheet to the patient on Hysterosalpingography Examination

  19. Ad Hoc module-Information sheet to the patient on Micturiting cysto urethrography Examination.

  20. Sponsor’s Role and Responsibilities ( For GCP course)

  21. Easy Reference  and Illustrations for Bone lesions       ( Musculoskeletal Block)

  22. Better CT regulations

  23. Graceful care: pregnant patients (PPP and record)

  24. Principles of Diagnosis in ultrasound

  25. Guide for proper CXR

  26. Protocol for fractures

  27. Techniques in Radiography

  28. Quality assurance

  29. Radiographic tactfulness

  30. Training module

  31. Assessment and evaluation

  32. Protocol for eye injury

  33. Handling Cardiac patients in CT room

  34. Basic protocol for Forensic Radiology

  35. Guidelines of CT criteria: Neurovascular bundle

  36.  Evaluation of CXR for pneumoconiosis due to dust

  37. Simple steps in the diagnosis of pnuenumoconiosis

  38. How to analyse renal parenchyma?

  39. Steps to make Qucik diagnosis of surgical abdomen



Creative Works


Drama / Play: writing:


  1. Shaphiya Kareem, 2007, A Fabulous Family’-Story-drama, Majalah Bulanan Islam- Islamic Monthly Magazine  Jan 2007, page: 37-39

  2. Shaphiya Kareem, 2008, Baitul-Hamd ‘Last Abode ’ -Story-drama,  IQRA, YPI publication Monthly Magazine  Jan 2008, page: 37-39

  3. Shaphiya Kareem,2008, Pearl Podium in Paradise, Story-drama, Majalah Bulanan Islam- Islamic Monthly Magazine  Feb 2008, page: 36-39

  4. Shaphiya Kareem, 2008, “Dead Cheque’  Story-drama-  Islamic Monthly Magazine  May 2008, page: 36-38

  5. Shaphiya Kareem, 2008,  Heavenly mansion Majalah Bulanan Islam- Islamic Monthly Magazine,  Sep 2008, page: 34-35 

  6. Shaphiya Kareem, 2007,  An epistle of Kindness Majalah Bulanan Islam- Islamic Monthly Magazine,  Oct  2007, page: 55-57 


  8. Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 2004,  Sixth Sense, Nargees, Islamic Monthly Magazine for Women , India, Nov 2004, page: 63-66

  9. Shaphiya, Kareem,  2004, Disciplining children, International   Islamic Monthly Magazine,,  Dec 2004, page: 16-19

  10. M. Abdul Kareem , 2004, Self-inflicted caesasean  section,  Majalah Bulanan Islam- International Islamic Monthly Magazine,, Feb 2004, page: 84-87




8.5 CAI/Multimedia/Material/Course Ware


1. Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 2003; Holy Haj-Rites and Rituals; Telehealth-online- USM 


2. Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 2003; Health Care for Haj Pilgrims; Telehealth-online-  

3. Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 2003; Umra and Ziyaratal Medina-Rites and Rituals; Telehealth-online- USM

4. Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 2003;A Dozen of “D-s” For Al- Haj; Telehealth-online- US

TOTAL PAPERS DURING 1983-2003:  75 papers


  • Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, Dr. A. Swaminathan,1983; Case Presentation: Hemangioma of the bowel; Indian Radiological & Imaging Association-Annual Conference

  • M.Abdul Kareem, 1983; Laevocardia with Fallots Tetrology ; Indian Radiological & Imaging Association Annual Conference, Jipmer, 

  • Dr. Abdul Kareem, Dr. M.K. Sivakkolunthu, Dr. B.S. Shetty; 1984; Pulmonary A-V Fistula with Mitral Stenosis XXXVIII  Annual congress of Indian Radiological And Imaging Association

  • Dr. Abdul Kareem, Dr. M.K. Sivakkolunthu, B.S. Shetty; 1984; Hemangioma of the Small Intestine; XXXVII Annual Congress of Indial Radiological & Imaging Association

  • Dr. Abdul Kareem, Dr. B.S. Shetty; 1984; Pulmonary Arteriovenous Fistula –Atypical presentation;  Annual congress of Indian Radiological And Imaging Association Annual Conference

  • Dr. S. Sakthi Mohan, Dr. M. Abdul Kareem; 1984; Osteopoiklosis-A case Report; Indian Radiological And Imaging Association XXXVII State Annual Conference

  • Dr. N. S. Mani, Dr. M. Abdul Kareem; 1984; Occulo-Auriculo Vertebral dysplasia- A case Report; Indian Radiological And Imaging Association XXXVII State Annual Conference

  • Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, 1984; Urological changes in Uterine Prolapse - A study of 30 cases; Indian Radiological & Imaging Association Annual Conference

  • Dr. M. Abdul Kareem Dr. Venkatesan, DR. Sivarama Krishnan; 1985; Estimation of the weight of the Prostate by Cystourethrogram-A New method;  Indian Radiological And Imaging Association  Annual Conference

  • Dr. Abdul Kareem, DR. A. Swaminathan et al 1985; Pulmonary Arteriovenous Fistula; Annual congress of Indian Radiological And Imaging Association

  • DR. M. Abdul Kareem, Dr.  Sivakkolunthu, Dr. Kamaluddin, 1985; CT scan as Surgical Aid: A study of 140 cases; The Joint Conference of The Association of Surgeons of India and International College of Surgeons

  • Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, Dr. Swaminathan,1985; Whole body scanner as diagnostic Aid ; Acomparative study of 100 cases, XXXVII Annual Conference of Indian Radiological & Imaging Association

  • Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, 1985; Whole body scanner as diagnostic aid; XXXVIII-Annual Conference of Indian Radiological and Imaging Association

  • Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, DR. B.S. Shetty, 1985; Usefulness of CT in  certain Clinical; A study of 120 cases; Indian Radiological & Imaging Association XXXVII State Annual Conference

  • M. Abdul Kareem, M.K. Sivakkolunthu, B.S. Shetty; 1986; Pulmonary Arteriovenous Fistula associated with Mitral Stenosis- A Rarity. IJRI, 40:2;125-127

  • DR. M. Abdul Kareem, DR. Srinivasan 1986; CT scan in Progressive Neurological deficit ; A study of 77 cases; Annual Conference of Indial Radiological & Imaging Association

  • Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, Dr. Dravidamani, Dr. S. R. Krishnan, 1986; Roentgen signs in Acute Abdomen; A Study of 56 Cases Annual Conference of Indian Radiological & Imaging Association.

  • Haji. Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, 1994; Monograph on Islam and Science; Journal of Indian Muslim Association in Hong Kong. Page: 76-81

  • Abdul Kareem, 1999; Abdominal Calcifications, (Poster)Intensive course in Abdominal Radiology, School of Medical Science, USM in collaboration with University of Sydney- Australia.

  • Abdul Kareem, 1999; Carcinoma Esophagus, (Poster) Intensive course in Abdominal Radiology,School of Medical Science, USM in collaboration with University of Sydney- Australia-

  • Hj. Dr. M. Abdul Kareem;1999; Rapid Transition Of Imaging- Nuclear Medicine Auditorium- School of Medical Science, USM in collaboration with University of Sydney- Australia-Intensive course in Abdominal Radiology, Sep,1999

  • Hj. Dr. M. Abdul Kareem;1999; Analytical Approach in Film Viewing - Nuclear Medicine Auditorium- School of Medical Science- USM- in collaboration with University of Sydney- Australia-Intensive course in Abdominal Radiology, Sep,1999

  • Hj. Dr. M. Abdul Kareem; April,2000; Pitfalls in Reading Plain x-Ray- Nuclear Medicine Auditorium-USM-Intensive course in Primary Care. 

  • Hj. Dr. M. Abdul Kareem; Does Size Influence Salvage; Lecture hall-5- USM; 2000; CPC;

  • Hj. Dr. M. Abdul Kareem; Stomach in the neck; Lecture hall-5- USM; 2001; CPC

  • M.A. Kareem, S. Satari, I. L. Shuaib 2001; Neurovascular Bundle Involvement in Various Tumors; Evaluation by MRI in 25 cases. Poster; First Asean Conference

  • Dr. M. Abdul Kareem, 11-12 Aug,2001; Imaging in Pediatric Endocrinopathies;  School of Medical Science USM; Intensive course in Pediatric Radiology

  • Azman Kiflie, Abdul Kareem, Ibrahim Lutfi, 2001; Wilms’ tumor-Two cases with rare manifestations: First Asean Conference On Medical Sciences

  • Sazali Satari, Abdul Kareem, Ibrahim Lutfi, Arif Abbas, 2001; Atlanto Axial dislocation; First Asean Conference On Medical Sciences

  • Abdul Kareem, Ibrahim Lutfi, Zulmi Wan, Sazali Satari; 2001: Assessment of the status of Neurovascular Bundle in Bone and soft tissue in tumors By MRI; First Asean conference on Medical Sciences

  • BM. Biswal, A. Kareem and NM Ahmed; 2001:Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy: An unusual manifestation in Nasopharyngeal cancer. Australasian Radiology, Vol 45(1) page71

  • M.Abdul Kareem, 2001; Imaging of Spinal Lesions with Helical Computerised Tomography and Utility of 3-D recobnstruction: First  Asean Conference On Medical Sciences

  • A.M.Shafie,….M.A. Kareem, 2001; An audit of Nephrostomy in HUSM: Review of 60 cases; First Asean Conference On Medical Sciences

  • A.R.Ariff, I.L.Shuaib, M.A. Kareem, 2001; Giant Nerve Sheath Tumor: Report on 4 cases; First Asean Conference On Medical Sciences

  • Tetanus not forgotten- Lecture hall 5- USM- 2002; CPC

  • Dr. Abdul Kareem, 26.05.03- 02- : Patient dose reduction program; Scientific Meeting on medical X-rays: Pulau Penang

  • ShaphiKareem,2002;  Padaippil Ooduruvala (“Alteration in the creation”  About the Physical Psychological and Social aspects of organ transplantation): Nambikkai- International Islamic Magazine, 2002, May 21-22

  • M. Abdul Kareem, Necessities Overrule Prohibition; July, 2002-The 4-th International Scientific Meeting Of the Islamic Association and 19th Council of the Federation of Islamic Medical Associations

  • M. Abdul Kareem, Unprecedented Risks in Human Embryonic Cloning; 2002: The 4-th International Scientific Meeting Of The Islamic Association and 19- th Council of the Federation Of Islamic Medical Associations.

  • Abdul Kareem, Promising Key role of Positron Emission Tomography 2002: Bulletin Penyelidikan, Vol.2-No.2.Ogos 2002,Page –3

  • M. Abdul Kareem, Ibrahim Lutfi, Winmar etal; 2002: Assessment of Renal Parenchymal thicknes in Malaysians at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia- A study of 75 cases; National conference- 25th Silver Jubilee Scientific meeting


  • Sazali Satari, Mohaideen Abdul Kareem, Ibrahim Lutfi, Zulmi Wan; 2002: Role of MRI in evaluating neurovascular bundle involvement in musculoskeletal tumors;  National conference-25th Silver Jubilee Scientific meeting- College of Radiology

  • M. Abdul Kareem; 2003; A Safe Pilgrimage- spread of contagious diseases - Basic HealthCare details: The Hindu Magazine, International Online edition: January 26, 2003

  • ShaphiKareem, 2003Nenju Porukkuthillaiyae ( “Unendurable Evil” About the Medical, Mental and  Social effects of Incest) Nambikkai -International Magazine, 2002 February 33-35.

  • Abdul Kareem, 2003:Review of Global Menace of Road Accidents With Special Reference To Malaysia- A Social Perspective; Malaysian Journal Of Medical Sciences; vol.10.N0.2; (31-39)

  • Abdul Kareem, Mubarak-, Norhayati, Dinsuhaimi-2003; Inverted papilloma turning into fatal malignant transformation: Journal of Applied Radiology  ( Peer View)

  • Abdul Kareem, Ibrahim Lutfi, 2003; Variants in Renal Parenchyma in Malaysians- A study of 70 cases 8-th National Conference on medical Sciences

  • Abdul Kareem.2003; Clinical Trials in Cancer Research: Buletin Penyelidikan. Research Buletin of school of Medical Sciences; vol.3- No.3: page 3-5.

  • Abdul Kareem,  2003; Spinal Trauma- Radiologist Perspective; School of Medical Science, USM; Emergency Radiography Course: 2001

  • Shaphiya Kareem, 23.Dec, 2003, Health Care of Women during Haj; submitted to The Editor, Nargees An Islamic Magazine for Women, Trichy,i- India

  • Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 11,Jan, 2004, Prevent Strokes during Haj; submitted to The editor, Nambikkai, An Islamic Monthly Magazine,Petaling Jaya. Malaysia

  • Abdul Kareem. Sep 2003; Cloning-(Asalum Nagalum)Truth and false; Nambikkai-An Islamic Monthly Magazine: 20-25

  • Shaphiya Kareem. Oct 2003;Social illnes (Panjum Neruppum); Nambikkai-An Islamic Monthly Magazine: 24-28

  • Shaphiya-Kareem. Nov 2003; Effects of fasting on the Metabolism of Animals ( Manithan Mattuma Nonbu Irukkiran); Nambikkai-An Islamic Monthly Magazine; 48-51

  • Riaz-Kareem.2003; Wisdom ( Gnanakkaruvoolam);Nambikkai- An Islamic Monthly Magazine; Nov 64-68

  • Abdul Kareem. Jan 2003; Hello! Are you on Haj Pilgrimmage? ( Hajjuku Pogireergala?); Nambikkai-An Islamic Monthly Magazine; 20-25.

  • Dr. Abdul Kareem, 2003: Mar 25-28, 2003; Invited lecture; Radiographic anatomy of chest, sunway hotel, penang; Sponsor: MINT and MOH

  • Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 2003; Holy Haj-Rites and Rituals; Telehealth-online USM

  • Dr. Abdul Kareem, 2003: Mar 25-28, 2003; Invited lecture; Radiographic anatomy of Upper extremities, training course on Medical x-ray for general practitioner; Sponsor: MINT and MOH

  • Dr. Abdul Kareem, 2003: Mar 25-28, 2003; Invited lecture; Radiographic anatomy of Lower extremities; Sponsor: MINT and MOH

  • Dr. Abdul Kareem, 2003: Mar 24-28, 2003; Invited lecture; Interpretation of x-rays of Upper extremities; Sponsor: IPTNM, Pulau Penang,MINT and MOH, MMC-MMA

  • Dr. Abdul Kareem, 2003: Mar 24-28, 2003; Invited lecture; Interpretation of x-rays of Lower extremities; Sponsor: IPTNM, Pulau Penang,MINT and MOH, MMC-MMA

  • Dr. Abdul Kareem, 2003: Mar 24-28, 2003; Invited lecture; Interpretation of x-rays of Paediatrics; Sponsor: IPTNM, Pulau Penang,MINT and MOH, MMC-MMA

  • Dr. Abdul Kareem, 20.10.03: A study of the relationship between patient dose and size in Radiology; Scientific Meeting on medical X-ray: Kuala Lumpur

  • Dr. Abdul Kareem, 26.05.03- 02- : Key note Address on Patient dose reduction program; Scientific Meeting on medical X-rays: Pulau Penang

  • Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 2003; Health Care for Haj Pilgrims; Telehealth-online- USM

  •  Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 2003; Umra and Ziyaratal Medina-Rites and Rituals; Telehealth-online- USM

  • Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 2003; A Dozen of “D-s” For Al- Haj; Telehealth

  • Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 8-9 May 2003; Genetic cloning- ? Amyopic view: National conference on medical sciences” Medicine in Genomic Era”

  • Dr. Hj. M. Abdul Kareem, 8-9 May 2003; Renal Parenchymal Variants: A study of 70 cases in Kelantan: National conference on medical sciences” Medicine in Genomic Era

  • Atypical presentation of a common disease, CPC-USM, 12 June,2003: Speaker:  Dr. Hj. Abdul Kareem

  • Unilateral proptosis, CPC-USM, 07 Aug,2003: Speaker:  Dr. Hj. Abdul Kareem

  • Astudy of the validity of MRI in Neurovascular bundle involvement in Musculoskeletal tumors,  CPC-USM, 30.10. 2003: Speaker:  Dr. Hj. Abdul Kareem

  • Abdul Kareem.2003; Panel Discussion for GCP (2002/2003) “Communication With Fellow Professionals” 11th mar 03

  • Abdul Kareem.2004; Panel Discussion for GCP (2003/2004) “Communication With Fellow Professionals” 23-28th mar 04

Total scientific papers produced during 2004-2016: More than 191. Kindly refer to the PDF file on the right side of my home page.

Topic: Genetic Cloning


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